In a few days time, it marks my 6th month as a houseman. Time really flies and all thanks to God for being there with me to survive through this whole ordeal.
At the beginning of this 2nd posting, honestly i was sceptical about it. Medical in my dictionary is equivalent to the word "BORING" and "YAWNING". nothing makes sense since i cannot imagine of the pathophysiology. How am i suppose to imagine calcium going in and out of the channels and causing the symptoms? It is not as pictographic as the one for instance in O&G. furthemore, medical books consist of mainly texts. Another yawn factor there.
However, after going through this posting, i kinda have some ideas on how to manage the patients. Though not as crystal clear but at least i can handle the common presentations. Oh, workload wise; it can be more tiring than in O&G since we have to handle more patients but i am thankful for having supportive seniors and superiors.
Another thing to keep in mind is that this posting bears a lot of risk. I notice quite a lot of the patients have infectious blood borne disease; Hep B, Hep C and HIV. hence, universal precaution is vital in preenting needle stick injury. Life is precious so please donttake this likely.
Alright then. Those are all for my ramblings today. Ive been motovating to regularly update my blog but i havent got the determination. Perhaps i am mentally tired nowadays. Bye then!
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