The good thing about this week is that, i got my first pay! I am glad i got it in a month! I have to say the amount is good but i havent had enougj time to spend! Furthermore, Miri does not have that many great shopping malls. Indirectly, it is a good way of saving!
Workwise, there are ups and downs. Sometimes i feel i am not competent even though after being here for a month. There are then other times that i am happy things went the way they should have been. My MOs dont really scold us that much, something that i should be glad at sometimes. But being that way, i might have not known my mistakes.
I am glad that until this date i havent got the feeling of quitting. I should be thankful to be having an uplifting and motivating environment. Teamwork here is great! I really hope that i get my confidence asap.
Sent from Hanani's iPhone! Woo!
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